Pride & Prejudice
Pride & Prejudice

©Phillip Hamer

The Wolves
The Wolves

©Teddy Wolff

The Effect
The Effect

©Teresa Wood

Dancing at Lughnasa
Dancing at Lughnasa

©Teresa Castracane

Pride & Prejudice
Pride & Prejudice

©Phillip Hamer

 Miss Bennet  © Grace Toulotte

Miss Bennet

©Grace Toulotte

The Effect
The Effect

©Teddy Wolff

Ring Twice For Miranda
Ring Twice For Miranda

©Russ Rowland

 YoungArts Gala 2015  ©Katherine Bollens

YoungArts Gala 2015

©Katherine Bollens

 Juno and the Paycock  ©Joan Marcus

Juno and the Paycock

©Joan Marcus

Pride & Prejudice
Pride & Prejudice

©Phillip Hamer

 Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde  ©Keri Pickett

Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde

©Keri Pickett

 Miss Bennet  ©Grace Toulotte   

Miss Bennet

©Grace Toulotte


Blue Stockings
Blue Stockings

©Dan Norman